
We are both excited and humbled at your interest in becoming a member at Christ Freedom Church. Your interest is not taken lightly and for that we are prayerful for this time. Membership is a beautifully committed relationship with the family of God. Here at Christ Freedom we invite you to come into family, to belong with family, to be loved and to grow in modeling love to family. The beautiful work of the cross of Jesus Christ united us together as the children of God, and we are excited to serve alongside you. 

Depending on your background in church, membership could mean different things. In all of what you may have encountered with membership, we invite you in with a tone of love and hospitality. We welcome you to step into a “new” membership here and grow in becoming a family together. Far from meaningless, church membership is the invitation from God to unite with brothers and sisters in Christ to share in the mission of God.

At Christ Freedom Church, membership is a sacred commitment that unites believers in Jesus Christ and the local church. Joining is a dedication to God and His people, beginning with our faith in Jesus and His grace. Through His blood, we find hope and enter an unbreakable covenant. Becoming a member is not transactional, but a sacred and enduring commitment. Over three weeks, we will share insights about being a member of Christ Freedom, our mission, expectations, and how to foster
community growth.

To learn more about Membership or our Membership class, please complete the form provided below.